
Bozena Henisz Thompson

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6EEBozena Henisz Thompson, Frederick B. Thompson: ASK is Transportable in Half a Dozen Ways. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 3(2): 185-203 (1985)
5EEBozena Henisz Thompson, Frederick B. Thompson: Introducing ASK, A Simple Knowledgeable System. ANLP 1983: 17-24
4EEBozena Henisz Thompson, Frederick B. Thompson: Shifting to a higher gear in a natural language system. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1981: 657-662
3EEBozena Henisz Thompson: Linguistic Analysis Of Natural Language Communication With Computers. COLING 1980: 190-201
2EEBozena Henisz Thompson, Frederick B. Thompson: Rapidly Extendable Natural Language. ACM Annual Conference (1) 1978: 173-182
1 Frederick B. Thompson, Bozena Henisz Thompson: Practical Natural Language Processing: The REL System as Prototype. Advances in Computers 13: 109-168 (1975)

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1Frederick B. Thompson [1] [2] [4] [5] [6]

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