2008 |
15 | EE | Jean-François Baget,
Olivier Corby,
Rose Dieng-Kuntz,
Catherine Faron-Zucker,
Fabien L. Gandon,
Alain Giboin,
Alain Gutierrez,
Michel Leclère,
Marie-Laure Mugnier,
Rallou Thomopoulos:
Griwes: Generic Model and Preliminary Specifications for a Graph-Based Knowledge Representation Toolkit.
ICCS 2008: 297-310 |
14 | EE | Jean-Rémi Bourguet,
Bernard Cuq,
Amadou Ndiaye,
Rallou Thomopoulos:
Modelling a Dynamic Process in the Conceptual Graph Model: Extension Needed?
ICCS Supplement 2008: 49-56 |
13 | EE | Fatiha Saïs,
Rallou Thomopoulos:
Reference Fusion and Flexible Querying.
OTM Conferences (2) 2008: 1541-1549 |
2007 |
12 | EE | Rallou Thomopoulos,
Jean-François Baget,
Ollivier Haemmerlé:
Conceptual Graphs as Cooperative Formalism to Build and Validate a Domain Expertise.
ICCS 2007: 112-125 |
11 | EE | Ollivier Haemmerlé,
Patrice Buche,
Rallou Thomopoulos:
The MIEL system: Uniform interrogation of structured and weakly-structured imprecise data.
J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 29(3): 279-304 (2007) |
2006 |
10 | | Rallou Thomopoulos,
Patrice Buche,
Ollivier Haemmerlé,
Frédéric Mabille,
Nongyao Mueangdee:
Comparaison de deux modes de représentation de données faiblement structurées en sciences du vivant.
EGC 2006: 125-136 |
9 | EE | Patrice Buche,
Juliette Dibie-Barthélemy,
Ollivier Haemmerlé,
Rallou Thomopoulos:
The MIEL++ Architecture When RDB, CGs and XML Meet for the Sake of Risk Assessment in Food Products.
ICCS 2006: 158-171 |
8 | EE | Patrice Buche,
Juliette Dibie-Barthélemy,
Ollivier Haemmerlé,
Rallou Thomopoulos:
Fuzzy concepts applied to the design of a database in predictive microbiology.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157(9): 1188-1200 (2006) |
7 | EE | Rallou Thomopoulos,
Patrice Buche,
Ollivier Haemmerlé:
Fuzzy Sets Defined on a Hierarchical Domain.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 18(10): 1397-1410 (2006) |
2005 |
6 | EE | Rallou Thomopoulos:
Expressing Preferences in a Viewpoint Ontology.
OTM Conferences (2) 2005: 1596-1604 |
5 | EE | Patrice Buche,
Catherine Dervin,
Ollivier Haemmerlé,
Rallou Thomopoulos:
Fuzzy querying of incomplete, imprecise, and heterogeneously structured data in the relational model using ontologies and rules.
IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 13(3): 373-383 (2005) |
2004 |
4 | | Rallou Thomopoulos,
Patrice Buche,
Ollivier Haemmerlé:
Sous-ensembles flous définis sur une ontologie.
EGC 2004: 147 |
2003 |
3 | EE | Rallou Thomopoulos,
Patrice Buche,
Ollivier Haemmerlé:
Different Kinds of Comparisons between Fuzzy Conceptual Graphs.
ICCS 2003: 54-68 |
2 | EE | Patrice Buche,
Ollivier Haemmerlé,
Rallou Thomopoulos:
Integration of Heterogeneous, Imprecise and Incomplete Data: An Application to the Microbiological Risk Assessment.
ISMIS 2003: 98-107 |
1 | EE | Rallou Thomopoulos,
Patrice Buche,
Ollivier Haemmerlé:
Representation of weakly structured imprecise data for fuzzy querying.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 140(1): 111-128 (2003) |