
William M. Thomas

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6 Lionel C. Briand, William M. Thomas: Response to ``Handling Regression Subsets in Software Modeling'' by Ronald Gulezian. Journal of Systems and Software 36(3): 313-314 (1997)
5EEWilliam M. Thomas, Alex Delis, Victor R. Basili: An analysis of errors in a reuse-oriented development environment. Journal of Systems and Software 38(3): 211-224 (1997)
4EELionel C. Briand, William M. Thomas, Christopher J. Hetmanski: Modeling and Managing Risk Early in Software Development. ICSE 1993: 55-65
3 William M. Thomas, Alex Delis, Victor R. Basili: An Evaluation of Ada Source Code Reuse. Ada-Europe 1992: 80-91
2EELionel C. Briand, Victor R. Basili, William M. Thomas: A Pattern Recognition Approach for Software Engineering Data Analysis. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 18(11): 931-942 (1992)
1 Alex Delis, William M. Thomas: Design Assessment of Ada Systems Using Static Analysis. Ada-Europe 1991: 227-250

Coauthor Index

1Victor R. Basili [2] [3] [5]
2Lionel C. Briand [2] [4] [6]
3Alex Delis [1] [3] [5]
4Christopher J. Hetmanski [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)