
Markus A. Thies

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5 Markus A. Thies: Adaptive User Interfaces. IFIP Congress (2) 1994: 196-202
4 Elisabeth André, Winfried Graf, Markus A. Thies: 5th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction jointly with 9th Symposium on Human Interface. KI 8(2): 44-45 (1994)
3 Markus A. Thies: Animated Help as a Sensible Extension of a Plan-Based Help System. HCI (2) 1993: 712-717
2 Markus A. Thies, Frank Berger: Plan-Based Graphical Help in Object-Oriented User Interfaces. Advanced Visual Interfaces 1992: 124-137
1 Winfried Graf, Markus A. Thies: Perspektiven zur Kombination von automatischem Animationsdesign und planbasierter Hilfe. KI 6(4): 7-13 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Elisabeth André [4]
2Frank Berger [2]
3Winfried Graf [1] [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)