
David Theis

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3EEAlfred K. Louis, Thomas Weber, David Theis: Computing Reconstruction Kernels for Circular 3-D Cone Beam Tomography. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 27(7): 880-886 (2008)
2EEMartin Welk, David Theis, Joachim Weickert: Variational Deblurring of Images with Uncertain and Spatially Variant Blurs. DAGM-Symposium 2005: 485-492
1EEMartin Welk, David Theis, Thomas Brox, Joachim Weickert: PDE-Based Deconvolution with Forward-Backward Diffusivities and Diffusion Tensors. Scale-Space 2005: 585-597

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Brox [1]
2Alfred K. Louis [3]
3Thomas Weber [3]
4Joachim Weickert [1] [2]
5Martin Welk [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)