
Devinder Thapa

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9EEDevinder Thapa, Chang Mok Park, Kwan Hee Han, Sang C. Park, Gi-Nam Wang: Architecture for modeling, simulation, and execution of PLC based manufacturing system. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 1794-1801
8EEDevinder Thapa, Sang C. Park, Chang Mok Park, Gi-Nam Wang: Modeling, verification, and implementation of PLC program using timed-MPSG. SCSC 2007: 533-540
7EEChang Mok Park, Devinder Thapa, Gi-Nam Wang: Speech authentication system using digital watermarking and pattern recovery. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(8): 931-938 (2007)
6EEDevinder Thapa, Jaeil Park, Gi-Nam Wang, Dongmin Shin: Timed-MPSG: A Formal Model for Real-Time Shop Floor Controller. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2006: 101
5EEDevinder Thapa, Chang Mok Park, Suraj Dangol, Gi-Nam Wang: III-Phase Verification and Validation of IEC Standard Programmable Logic Controller. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2006: 111
4 Devinder Thapa, Suraj Dangol, Gi-Nam Wang: Transformation from Petri Nets Model to Programmable Logic Controller using One-to-One Mapping Technique. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 228-233
3EEIn-Sung Jung, Devinder Thapa, Gi-Nam Wang: Neural Network Based Algorithms for Diagnosis and Classification of Breast Cancer Tumor. CIS (1) 2005: 107-114
2EEIn-Sung Jung, Devinder Thapa, Gi-Nam Wang: Automatic Segmentation and Diagnosis of Breast Lesions Using Morphology Method Based on Ultrasound. FSKD (2) 2005: 1079-1088
1EEDevinder Thapa, In-Sung Jung, Gi-Nam Wang: Agent Based Decision Support System Using Reinforcement Learning Under Emergency Circumstances. ICNC (1) 2005: 888-892

Coauthor Index

1Suraj Dangol [4] [5]
2Kwan Hee Han [9]
3In-Sung Jung [1] [2] [3]
4Chang Mok Park [5] [7] [8] [9]
5Jaeil Park [6]
6Sang C. Park [8] [9]
7Dongmin Shin [6]
8Gi-Nam Wang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

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