
Nanh Le Thanh

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3EERosine Cicchetti, Lotfi Lakhal, Nanh Le Thanh, Serge Miranda: A Logical Summary-Data Model for Macro Statistical Databases. DASFAA 1989: 43-51
2 Nanh Le Thanh, M. Collard, G. Bonfils, F. Labene, Philippe Lahire, Serge Miranda: Deductive Data Base Support with NICEMP: Definition of an Access Schema Manager in a Persistent Object Environment. FMLDO 1989: 175-197
1 G. Taladoire, Serge Miranda, Nanh Le Thanh, Lotfi Lakhal: SQL-U: A Casual-User Oriented Interface for a Relational DBMS on Micro-Computers. HCI (2) 1987: 155-166

Coauthor Index

1G. Bonfils [2]
2Rosine Cicchetti [3]
3M. Collard [2]
4F. Labene [2]
5Philippe Lahire [2]
6Lotfi Lakhal [1] [3]
7Serge Miranda [1] [2] [3]
8G. Taladoire [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)