
Helmut Thöne

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9EEHelmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling: Increased robustness of Bayesian networks through probability intervals. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 17(1): 37-76 (1997)
8EEHelmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling: Modeling, Chaining and Fusion of Uncertain Knowledge. DASFAA 1995: 197-205
7 Gerhard Köstler, Werner Kießling, Helmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer: Fixpoint Iteration with Subsumption in Deductive Databases. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 4(2): 123-148 (1995)
6 Dietmar Seipel, Helmut Thöne: DISLOG - A System for in Disjunctive Deductive Databases. DAISD 1994: 325-343
5 Gerhard Köstler, Werner Kießling, Helmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer: The Differential Fixpoint Operator with Subsumption. DOOD 1993: 35-48
4EEWerner Kießling, Helmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer: Database Support for Problematic Knowledge. EDBT 1992: 421-436
3EEHelmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling: Towards Precision of Probabilistic Bounds Propagation. UAI 1992: 315-322
2 Helmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling: Probabilistic Reasoning With Facts And Rules In Deductive Databases. ECSQARU 1991: 333-337
1EEUlrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling, Helmut Thöne: New Directions For Uncertainty Reasoning In Deductive Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1991: 178-187

Coauthor Index

1Ulrich Güntzer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9]
2Werner Kießling [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9]
3Gerhard Köstler [5] [7]
4Dietmar Seipel [6]

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