
Raj Tewari

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4 Raj Tewari: Efficient Parallel Recovery in Replicated Databases. Advanced Database Systems 1993: 277-287
3 Raj Tewari, Frank L. Friedman: The impact of object-oriented software engineering in the introductory computer science curriculum. OOPS Messenger 4(2): 289-292 (1993)
2 Frank L. Friedman, Raj Tewari: Integrating Object-Oriented Software Engineering in the Computer Science Curriculum. CSEE 1992: 270-284
1 Raj Tewari, Nabil R. Adam: Distributed File Allocation with Consistency Constraints. ICDCS 1992: 408-415

Coauthor Index

1Nabil R. Adam [1]
2Frank L. Friedman [2] [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)