
Paul Terwilliger

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24EEMark S. MacLean, Paul Terwilliger: The subconstituent algebra of a bipartite distance-regular graph; thin modules with endpoint two. Discrete Mathematics 308(7): 1230-1259 (2008)
23EEMichael S. Lang, Paul Terwilliger: Almost-bipartite distance-regular graphs with the Q-polynomial property. Eur. J. Comb. 28(1): 258-265 (2007)
22EEMark S. MacLean, Paul Terwilliger: Taut distance-regular graphs and the subconstituent algebra. Discrete Mathematics 306(15): 1694-1721 (2006)
21EEPaul Terwilliger: Two Linear Transformations each Tridiagonal with Respect to an Eigenbasis of the other; Comments on the Parameter Array. Des. Codes Cryptography 34(2-3): 307-332 (2005)
20EEJohn S. Caughman IV, Mark S. MacLean, Paul Terwilliger: The Terwilliger algebra of an almost-bipartite P- and Q-polynomial association scheme. Discrete Mathematics 292(1-3): 17-44 (2005)
19EEPaul Terwilliger, Chih-wen Weng: An inequality for regular near polygons. Eur. J. Comb. 26(2): 227-235 (2005)
18EEPaul Terwilliger: The Displacement and Split Decompositions for a Q-Polynomial Distance-regular Graph. Graphs and Combinatorics 21(2): 263-276 (2005)
17EEPaul Terwilliger, Chih-wen Weng: Distance-regular graphs, pseudo primitive idempotents, and the Terwilliger algebra. Eur. J. Comb. 25(2): 287-298 (2004)
16EEEiichi Bannai, Akihiro Munemasa, Sung-Yell Song, Paul Terwilliger: Preface. Discrete Mathematics 264(1-3): 1 (2003)
15EEJunie T. Go, Paul Terwilliger: Tight Distance-regular Graphs and the Subconstituent Algebra*1. Eur. J. Comb. 23(7): 793-816 (2002)
14EEKequan Ding, Paul Terwilliger: On Garsia-Remmel problem of rook equivalence. Discrete Mathematics 149(1-3): 59-68 (1996)
13EEGarth A. Dickie, Paul Terwilliger: Dual Bipartite Q-polynomial Distance-regular Graphs. Eur. J. Comb. 17(7): 613-623 (1996)
12EEPaul Terwilliger: A new inequality for distance-regular graphs. Discrete Mathematics 137(1-3): 319-332 (1995)
11EEPaul Terwilliger: P- and Q-Polynomial Association Schemes and Their Antipodal P-Polynomial Covers. Eur. J. Comb. 14(4): 355-358 (1993)
10 Paul Terwilliger: The classification of distance-regular graphs of type IIB. Combinatorica 8(1): 125-132 (1988)
9EEPaul Terwilliger: A characterization of P- and Q-polynomial association schemes. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 45(1): 8-26 (1987)
8EEPaul Terwilliger: P and Q polynomial schemes with q = -1. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 42(1): 64-67 (1987)
7EEPaul Terwilliger: The Johnson graph J(d, r) is unique if (d, r) != (2, 8). Discrete Mathematics 58(2): 175-189 (1986)
6EEPaul Terwilliger: A new feasibility condition for distance-regular graphs. Discrete Mathematics 61(2-3): 311-315 (1986)
5EEPaul Terwilliger: A class of distance-regular graphs that are Q-polynomial. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 40(2): 213-223 (1986)
4EEPaul Terwilliger: Distance-regular graphs with girth 3 or 4: I. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 39(3): 265-281 (1985)
3EEPaul Terwilliger: Distance-regular graphs and (s, c, a, k)-graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 34(2): 151-164 (1983)
2EEPaul Terwilliger: Eigenvalue multiplicities of highly symmetric graphs. Discrete Mathematics 41(3): 295-302 (1982)
1EEPaul Terwilliger: The diameter of bipartite distance-regular graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 32(2): 182-188 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Eiichi Bannai [16]
2John S. Caughman IV [20]
3Garth A. Dickie [13]
4Kequan Ding [14]
5Junie T. Go [15]
6Michael S. Lang [23]
7Mark S. MacLean [20] [22] [24]
8Akihiro Munemasa [16]
9Sung-Yell Song [16]
10Chih-wen Weng [17] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)