
Dusan Teodorovic

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12EEGoran Z. Markovic, Dusan Teodorovic, Vladanka S. Acimovic-Raspopovic: Routing and wavelength assignment in all-optical networks based on the bee colony optimization. AI Commun. 20(4): 273-285 (2007)
11EEPanta Lucic, Dusan Teodorovic: Metaheuristics approach to the aircrew rostering problem. Annals OR 155(1): 311-338 (2007)
10EEDusan Teodorovic, Praveen Edara: A real-time road pricing system: The case of a two-link parallel network. Computers & OR 34(1): 2-27 (2007)
9EEDusan Teodorovic, Panta Lucic: The Fuzzy Ant System for the Vehicle Routing Problem when Demand at Nodes is Uncertain. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 16(5): 751-770 (2007)
8EEDusan Teodorovic, Vijay Varadarajan, Jovan Popovic, Mohan Raj Chinnaswamy, Sharath Ramaraj: Dynamic programming - neural network real-time traffic adaptive signal control algorithm. Annals OR 143(1): 123-131 (2006)
7EEDusan Teodorovic, Panta Lucic: Intelligent parking systems. European Journal of Operational Research 175(3): 1666-1681 (2006)
6EEKevin Adams, Denis Gracanin, Dusan Teodorovic: A Near Optimal Approach to Quality of Service Data Replication Scheduling. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 1847-
5 Sharath Ramaraj, Dusan Teodorovic, Denis Gracanin: Real-Time Optimization of Dynamic Stochastic Knapsack Problem Using a Multi-Layer Perceptron Network. MLMTA 2003: 223-229
4 Dusan Teodorovic, Sharath Ramaraj, Denis Gracanin: Solving Complex Real Time Engineering Problems by Artificial Immune System: Case Study of Dynamic Stochastic Knapsack Problem. Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence 2003: 209-214
3EEPanta Lucic, Dusan Teodorovic: Computing with Bees: Attacking Complex Transportation Engineering Problems. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 12(3): 375-394 (2003)
2EEPanta Lucic, Dusan Teodorovic: Transportation Modeling: An Artificial Life Approach. ICTAI 2002: 216-223
1 Dusan Teodorovic, Panta Lucic, Jovan Popovic, Shinya Kikuchi, Branimir Stanic: Intelligent Isolated Intersection. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 276-279

Coauthor Index

1Vladanka S. Acimovic-Raspopovic [12]
2Kevin Adams [6]
3Mohan Raj Chinnaswamy [8]
4Praveen Edara [10]
5Denis Gracanin [4] [5] [6]
6Shinya Kikuchi [1]
7Panta Lucic [1] [2] [3] [7] [9] [11]
8Goran Z. Markovic [12]
9Jovan Popovic [1] [8]
10Sharath Ramaraj [4] [5] [8]
11Branimir Stanic [1]
12Vijay Varadarajan [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)