
Chin-Hung Teng

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7EEChia-Ming Cheng, Shu-Fan Wang, Chin-Hung Teng, Shang-Hong Lai: Image-based three-dimensional model reconstruction for Chinese treasure - Jadeite Cabbage with Insects. Computers & Graphics 32(6): 682-694 (2008)
6EEChin-Hung Teng, Yung-Sheng Chen, Wen-Hsing Hsu: Constructing a 3D trunk model from two images. Graphical Models 69(1): 33-56 (2007)
5EEChin-Hung Teng, Yung-Sheng Chen, Wen-Hsing Hsu: An Approach to Extracting Trunk from an Image. IEICE Transactions 89-D(4): 1596-1600 (2006)
4EEChin-Hung Teng, Yung-Sheng Chen, Wen-Hsing Hsu: Tree Segmentation from an Image. MVA 2005: 59-63
3EEChin-Hung Teng, Shang-Hong Lai, Yung-Sheng Chen, Wen-Hsing Hsu: Accurate optical flow computation under non-uniform brightness variations. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 97(3): 315-346 (2005)
2 Chin-Hung Teng, Shang-Hong Lai, Yung-Sheng Chen, Wen-Hsing Hsu: An accurate and adaptive optical flow estimation algorithm. ICIP 2004: 1839-1842
1EEChin-Hung Teng, Shang-Hong Lai, Yung-Sheng Chen, Wen-Hsing Hsu: Robust Computation of Optical Flow under Non-Uniform Illumination Variations. ICPR (1) 2002: 327-330

Coauthor Index

1Yung-Sheng Chen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Chia-Ming Cheng [7]
3Wen-Hsing Hsu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Shang-Hong Lai [1] [2] [3] [7]
5Shu-Fan Wang [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)