
Jirí Techet

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6EEAlexander Meduna, Jirí Techet: An infinite hierarchy of language families generated by scattered context grammars with n-limited derivations. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(21-23): 1961-1969 (2009)
5EEAlexander Meduna, Jirí Techet: Scattered context grammars that erase nonterminals in a generalized k -limited way. Acta Inf. 45(7-8): 593-608 (2008)
4EEAlexander Meduna, Jirí Techet: Maximal and Minimal Scattered Context Rewriting. FCT 2007: 412-423
3EEJirí Techet: k-Limited Erasing Performed by Scattered Context Grammars. Workshop on Formal Models 2007
2EEAlexander Meduna, Jirí Techet: Canonical scattered context generators of sentences with their parses. Theor. Comput. Sci. 389(1-2): 73-81 (2007)
1EEAlexander Meduna, Jirí Techet: Generation of Sentences with Their Parses: the Case of Propagating Scattered Context Grammars. Acta Cybern. 17(1): (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Meduna [1] [2] [4] [5] [6]

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