
Mohammad-Reza Tazari

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6EEÁlvaro Fides-Valero, Matteo Freddi, Francesco Furfari, Mohammad-Reza Tazari: The PERSONA Framework for Supporting Context-Awareness in Open Distributed Systems. AmI 2008: 91-108
5EEReiner Wichert, Mohammad-Reza Tazari, Michael Hellenschmidt: Architektonische Anforderungen der Ambient Intelligence (Architectural Requirements of Ambient Intelligence). it - Information Technology 50(1): 13-20 (2008)
4EEDirk Balfanz, Matthias Grimm, Mohammad-Reza Tazari: A Reference Architecture for Mobile Knowledge Management. Mobile Computing and Ambient Intelligence 2005
3 Mohammad-Reza Tazari: A Context-Oriented RDF Database. SWDB 2003: 63-78
2EEDirk Balfanz, Jürgen Schirmer, Matthias Grimm, Mohammad-Reza Tazari: Mobile situation-awareness within the project map. Computers & Graphics 27(6): 893-898 (2003)
1EEMatthias Grimm, Mohammad-Reza Tazari, Dirk Balfanz: Towards a Framework for Mobile Knowledge Management. PAKM 2002: 326-338

Coauthor Index

1Dirk Balfanz [1] [2] [4]
2Álvaro Fides-Valero [6]
3Matteo Freddi [6]
4Francesco Furfari [6]
5Matthias Grimm [1] [2] [4]
6Michael Hellenschmidt [5]
7Jürgen Schirmer [2]
8Reiner Wichert [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)