
Chih-Shing Tau

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7 Chih-Shing Tau: Uncomplicated recovering algorithm based on dual parity placement scheme in disk array systems. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2007: 331-336
6EEChih-Shing Tau, Tzone-I Wang: Parity Placement Schemes to Facilitate Recovery from Triple Column Disk Failure in Disk Array Systems. IEICE Transactions 89-A(2): 583-591 (2006)
5EEChih-Shing Tau, Tzone-I Wang: Independent Row-Oblique Parity for Double Disk Failure Correction. IEICE Transactions 89-A(2): 592-599 (2006)
4 Chih-Shing Tau, Tzone-I Wang: Reliable multicast protocol a modified retransmission-based loss-recovery scheme based on the selective repeated ARQ protocols. ICETE 2005: 310-317
3EEChih-Shing Tau, Tzone-I Wang: Parity Placement Schemes with Generalized Fault-Tolerant Technique in Disk Array Systems. ICPADS (2) 2005: 615-619
2EEChih-Shing Tau, Tzone-I Wang: Efficient Parity Placement Schemes for Tolerating Triple Disk Failures in RAID Architectures. AINA 2003: 132-139
1 Chih-Shing Tau, Tzone-I Wang: An Alternative Decoding Algorithm for EVENODD Code in Raid Architectures. Applied Informatics 2003: 887-892

Coauthor Index

1Tzone-I Wang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

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