
Sarah Tasneem

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8 Sarah Tasneem, Reda A. Ammar, Lester Lipsky, Howard Sholl: Performance Enhancement of Web Server System. CATA 2009: 1-6
7 Feng Zhang, Lester Lipsky, Sarah Tasneem, Steve Thompson: Comparison of Strategies for Serving Two Streams of Jobs. CATA 2009: 111-116
6 Sarah Tasneem, Reda A. Ammar: An Analytical Approach to Study the Web Server Performance. ISCA PDCCS 2008: 159-164
5 Sarah Tasneem, Howard A. Sholl, Reda A. Ammar: Practical Methods for Deadline Scheduling using Process Residual Time. CAINE 2005: 175-180
4EESarah Tasneem, Lester Lipsky, Reda A. Ammar, Howard A. Sholl: Using Residual Times to Meet Deadlines in M/G/C Queues. NCA 2005: 128-138
3EESarah Tasneem, Reda A. Ammar, Howard A. Sholl: A methodology to compute task remaining execution time. ISCC 2004: 74-79
2 Sarah Tasneem, Reda A. Ammar, Howard A. Sholl: Analysis of Software Remaining Execution Time. Computers and Their Applications 2003: 219-223
1 Sarah Tasneem, Reda A. Ammar, Howard A. Sholl, James V. Petrizzi: Performance Modeling of Windows 2000 Priority-driven Preemptive Thread Scheduling. CATA 2002: 73-77

Coauthor Index

1Reda A. Ammar [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
2Lester Lipsky [4] [7] [8]
3James V. Petrizzi [1]
4Howard Sholl [8]
5Howard A. Sholl [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
6Steve Thompson [7]
7Feng Zhang [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)