
Charles N. Tarimo

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6EEJabiri Kuwe Bakari, Charles N. Tarimo, Louise Yngström, Christer Magnusson, Stewart Kowalski: Bridging the gap between general management and technicians - A case study on ICT security in a developing country. Computers & Security 26(1): 44-55 (2007)
5EEJabiri Kuwe Bakari, Christer Magnusson, Charles N. Tarimo, Louise Yngström: Outsourcing ICT Security to MSSP: Issues and Challenges for The Developing World. ISSA 2006: 1-11
4EECharles N. Tarimo, Jabiri Kuwe Bakari, Louise Yngström, Stewart Kowalski: A Social-Technical View of ICT Security Issues, Trends, and Challenges: Towards a Culture of ICT Security – The Case of Tanzania. ISSA 2006: 1-12
3EEJabiri Kuwe Bakari, Charles N. Tarimo, Christer Magnusson, Louise Yngström: Bridging the Gap between General Management and Technicians - A Case Study in ICT Security. SEC 2006: 442-447
2EEJabiri Kuwe Bakari, Charles N. Tarimo, Louise Yngström, Christer Magnusson: State of ICT Security Management in the Institutions of Higher Learning in Developing Countries: Tanzania Case Study. ICALT 2005: 1007-1011
1EECharles N. Tarimo, Louise Yngström, Stewart Kowalski: An approach to enhance the security of ICT infrastructure through legal, regulatory influences. ISSA 2005: 1-12

Coauthor Index

1Jabiri Kuwe Bakari [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Stewart Kowalski [1] [4] [6]
3Christer Magnusson [2] [3] [5] [6]
4Louise Yngström [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

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