
Richard A. Tapia

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4EEDiane C. Jamrog, George N. Phillips Jr., Richard A. Tapia, Yin Zhang: A global optimization method for the molecular replacement problem in X-ray crystallography. Math. Program. 103(2): 399-426 (2005)
3 Richard A. Tapia, Yin Zhang, Yinyu Ye: On the convergence of the iteration sequence in primal-dual interior-point methods. Math. Program. 68: 141-154 (1995)
2 John E. Dennis Jr., Shou-Bai B. Li, Richard A. Tapia: A unified approach to global convergence of trust region methods for nonsmooth optimization. Math. Program. 68: 319-346 (1995)
1 Yinyu Ye, Osman Güler, Richard A. Tapia, Yin Zhang: A quadratically convergent O(qudra root(n)*L)-iteration algorithm for linear programming. Math. Program. 59: 151-162 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1John E. Dennis Jr. [2]
2Osman Güler [1]
3Diane C. Jamrog [4]
4Shou-Bai B. Li [2]
5George N. Phillips Jr. [4]
6Yinyu Ye [1] [3]
7Yin Zhang [1] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)