
Qing Tao

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15EEQing Tao, Gao-wei Wu, Jue Wang: A general soft method for learning SVM classifiers with L1-norm penalty. Pattern Recognition 41(3): 939-948 (2008)
14EEFen Xia, Qing Tao, Jue Wang, Wensheng Zhang: Recursive Feature Extraction for Ordinal Regression. IJCNN 2007: 78-83
13EEFengxi Song, David Zhang, Jizhong Wang, Hang Liu, Qing Tao: A parameterized direct LDA and its application to face recognition. Neurocomputing 71(1-3): 191-196 (2007)
12EEQing Tao, Gao-wei Wu, Jue Wang: Learning linear PCA with convex semi-definite programming. Pattern Recognition 40(10): 2633-2640 (2007)
11EEQing Tao, Gao-wei Wu, Jue Wang: One-Class Strategies for Security Information Detection. WISI 2006: 171-172
10EEQing Tao, Gao-wei Wu, Jue Wang: The theoretical analysis of FDA and applications. Pattern Recognition 39(6): 1199-1204 (2006)
9EEQing Tao, Gao-wei Wu, Fei-Yue Wang, Jue Wang: Some Marginal Learning Algorithms for Unsupervised Problems. ISI 2005: 395-401
8EEXunxue Cui, Zhan Zhao, Qing Tao: Probabilistic Behavior of Sensor Network Localization. ISPA Workshops 2005: 444-453
7EEQing Tao, Xin Liu, Xunxue Cui: A linear optimization neural network for associative memory. Applied Mathematics and Computation 171(2): 1119-1128 (2005)
6EEQing Tao, Gao-wei Wu, Jue Wang: A new maximum margin algorithm for one-class problems and its boosting implementation. Pattern Recognition 38(7): 1071-1077 (2005)
5EEQing Tao, Jue Wang: A New Fuzzy Support Vector Machine Based on the Weighted Margin. Neural Processing Letters 20(3): 139-150 (2004)
4EEQing Tao, Gao-wei Wu, Jue Wang: A generalized S-K algorithm for learning v-SVM classifiers. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(10): 1165-1171 (2004)
3EEJiaqi Wang, Qing Tao, Jue Wang: Kernel Projection Algorithm for Large-Scale SVM Problems. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 17(5): 556-564 (2002)
2 Jinde Cao, Qing Tao: Estimation on Domain of Attraction and Convergence Rate of Hopfield Continuous Feedback Neural Networks. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 62(3): 528-534 (2001)
1 Jinde Cao, Qing Tao: Estimation of the Domain of Attraction and the Convergence Rate of a Hopfield Associative Memory and an Application. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 60(1): 179-186 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Jinde Cao [1] [2]
2Xunxue Cui [7] [8]
3Hang Liu [13]
4Xin Liu [7]
5Fengxi Song [13]
6Fei-Yue Wang [9]
7Jiaqi Wang [3]
8Jizhong Wang [13]
9Jue Wang [3] [4] [5] [6] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15]
10Gao-wei Wu [4] [6] [9] [10] [11] [12] [15]
11Fen Xia [14]
12David Zhang (David Dapeng Zhang) [13]
13Wensheng Zhang [14]
14Zhan Zhao [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)