
Pham Dinh Tao

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20 Le Thi Hoai An, Pascal Bouvry, Pham Dinh Tao: Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences, Second International Conference, MCO 2008, Metz, France - Luxembourg, September 8-10, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
19EELe Thi Hoai An, Le Hoai Minh, Nguyen Trong Phuc, Pham Dinh Tao: Noisy Image Segmentation by a Robust Clustering Algorithm Based on DC Programming and DCA. ICDM 2008: 72-86
18EEBabacar Mbaye Ndiaye, Pham Dinh Tao, Le Thi Hoai An: Single Straddle Carrier Routing Problem in Port Container Terminals: Mathematical Model and Solving Approaches. MCO 2008: 21-31
17EEYi-Shuai Niu, Pham Dinh Tao: A DC Programming Approach for Mixed-Integer Linear Programs. MCO 2008: 244-253
16EEMamadou Thiao, Pham Dinh Tao, Le Thi Hoai An: DC Programming Approach for a Class of Nonconvex Programs Involving l0 Norm. MCO 2008: 348-357
15EESarra Bouallagui, Le Thi Hoai An, Pham Dinh Tao: Design of Highly Nonlinear Balanced Boolean Functions Using an Hybridation of DCA and Simulated Annealing Algorithm. MCO 2008: 579-588
14EELe Thi Hoai An, Le Hoai Minh, Van Vinh Nguyen, Pham Dinh Tao: Combined feature selection and classification using DCA. RIVF 2008: 233-239
13EELe Thi Hoai An, Babacar Mbaye Ndiaye, Pham Dinh Tao: Solving a multimodal transport problem by DCA. RIVF 2008: 49-56
12EELe Thi Hoai An, Pham Dinh Tao: A continuous approach for the concave cost supply problem via DC programming and DCA. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(3): 325-338 (2008)
11 Le Thi Hoai An, Le Hoai Minh, Pham Dinh Tao: Une nouvelle approche de la programmation DC et DCA pour la classification floue. EGC 2007: 703-714
10EELe Thi Hoai An, Nguyen Trong Phuc, Pham Dinh Tao: A continuous DC programming approach to the strategic supply chain design problem from qualified partner set. European Journal of Operational Research 183(3): 1001-1012 (2007)
9EELe Thi Hoai An, Le Hoai Minh, Pham Dinh Tao: Optimization based DC programming and DCA for hierarchical clustering. European Journal of Operational Research 183(3): 1067-1085 (2007)
8EELe Thi Hoai An, Pham Dinh Tao, Nguyen V. Thoai: Editorial. European Journal of Operational Research 183(3): 949 (2007)
7EENguyen Nam, Le Thi Hoai An, Pham Dinh Tao: A Branch and Bound Algorithm Based on DC Programming and DCA for Strategic Capacity Planning in Supply Chain Design for a New Market Opportunity. OR 2006: 515-520
6EELe Hoai Minh, Le Thi Hoai An, Pham Dinh Tao: Hierarchical Clustering Based on Mathematical Optimization. PAKDD 2006: 160-173
5EELe Thi Hoai An, Pham Dinh Tao: The DC (Difference of Convex Functions) Programming and DCA Revisited with DC Models of Real World Nonconvex Optimization Problems. Annals OR 133(1-4): 23-46 (2005)
4EELe Thi Hoai An, Pham Dinh Tao, Nguyen V. Thoai: Combination between global and local methods for solving an optimization problem over the efficient set. European Journal of Operational Research 142(2): 258-270 (2002)
3 Le Thi Hoai An, Pham Dinh Tao, Le Dung Muu: A Combined D.C. Optimization - Ellipsoidal Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Solving Nonconvex Quadratic Programming Problems. J. Comb. Optim. 2(1): 9-28 (1998)
2EEThal Quynh Phong, Radu Horaud, Adnan Yassine, Pham Dinh Tao: Object pose from 2-D to 3-D point and line correspondences. International Journal of Computer Vision 15(3): 225-243 (1995)
1EEPham Dinh Tao, El Bernoussi Souad: Iterative behaviour, fixed point of a class of monotone operators. Application to non-symmetric threshold function. Discrete Mathematics 70(1): 85-101 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Le Thi Hoai An [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [18] [19] [20]
2Sarra Bouallagui [15]
3Pascal Bouvry [20]
4Radu Horaud [2]
5Le Hoai Minh [6] [9] [11] [14] [19]
6Le Dung Muu [3]
7Nguyen Nam [7]
8Babacar Mbaye Ndiaye [13] [18]
9Van Vinh Nguyen [14]
10Yi-Shuai Niu [17]
11Thal Quynh Phong [2]
12Nguyen Trong Phuc [10] [19]
13El Bernoussi Souad [1]
14Mamadou Thiao [16]
15Nguyen V. Thoai [4] [8]
16Adnan Yassine [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)