
Masaaki Tanizaki

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6EEHideki Hayashi, Daisuke Ito, Masaaki Tanizaki, Kohji Kimura, Hisanori Kajiyama: Dual-heap kNN: k-nearest neighbor search for spatial data retrieval in embedded DBMS. GIS 2008: 40
5EEMasaaki Tanizaki, Ouri Wolfson: Randomization in traffic information sharing systems. GIS 2007: 23
4EEMasaaki Tanizaki, Kishiko Maruyama, Shigeru Shimada: Acceleration Technique of Snake-Shaped Regions Retrieval Method for Telematics Navigation Service System. ICDE 2005: 949-957
3EEShigeru Shimada, Masaaki Tanizaki, Kishiko Maruyama: Ubiquitous Spatial-Information Services Using Cell Phones. IEEE Micro 22(6): 25-34 (2002)
2EEHiroshi Tsuji, Masato Terada, Yuki Kadowaki, Masaaki Tanizaki, Shigeru Shimada: Spatial Information Sharing for Mobile Phones. Digital Cities 2001: 331-342
1EEMasaaki Tanizaki, Shigeru Shimada: Study of spatial information service methods with active retrieval mechanisms and their applications to virtual city construction. Systems and Computers in Japan 29(14): 1-10 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Hideki Hayashi [6]
2Daisuke Ito [6]
3Yuki Kadowaki [2]
4Hisanori Kajiyama [6]
5Kohji Kimura [6]
6Kishiko Maruyama [3] [4]
7Shigeru Shimada [1] [2] [3] [4]
8Masato Terada [2]
9Hiroshi Tsuji [2]
10Ouri Wolfson [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)