
Renjie Tang

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3EEZuobing Xu, Ram Akella, Mike Ching, Renjie Tang: Semi-supervised Clustering Using Bayesian Regularization. ICDM Workshops 2007: 361-366
2EEAlfredo Alba, Varun Bhagwan, Mike Ching, Alex Cozzi, Raj Desai, Daniel Gruhl, Kevin Haas, Linda Kato, Jeff Kusnitz, Bryan Langston, Ferdy Nagy, Linda A. Nguyen, Jan Pieper, Savitha Srinivasan, Anthony Stuart, Renjie Tang: A funny thing happened on the way to a billion .... IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 29(4): 27-36 (2006)
1EELawrence B. Wolff, Andrew Lundberg, Renjie Tang: Image Understanding from Thermal Emission Polarization. CVPR 1998: 625-633

Coauthor Index

1Ram Akella [3]
2Alfredo Alba [2]
3Varun Bhagwan [2]
4Mike Ching [2] [3]
5Alex Cozzi [2]
6Raj Desai [2]
7Daniel Gruhl [2]
8Kevin Haas [2]
9Linda Kato [2]
10Jeff Kusnitz [2]
11Bryan Langston [2]
12Andrew Lundberg [1]
13Ferdy Nagy [2]
14Linda A. Nguyen [2]
15Jan Pieper [2]
16Savitha Srinivasan [2]
17Anthony Stuart [2]
18Lawrence B. Wolff [1]
19Zuobing Xu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)