
C. Y. Tang

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7EEEric W. M. Lee, Y. Y. Lee, C. P. Lim, C. Y. Tang: Application of a noisy data classification technique to determine the occurrence of flashover in compartment fires. Advanced Engineering Informatics 20(2): 213-222 (2006)
6EEReginald B. J. T. Allenby, Goansu Kim, C. Y. Tang: Residual Finiteness of Outer Automorphism Groups of Finitely Generated Non-Triangle Fuchsian Groups. IJAC 15(1): 59-72 (2005)
5EEWilliam C. K. Yen, C. Y. Tang: The searchlight guarding problem on weighted split graphs and weighted cographs. Networks 35(3): 195-206 (2000)
4EEWilliam C. K. Yen, C. Y. Tang: An Optimal Algorithm for Solving the Searchlight Guarding Problem on Weighted Two-Terminal Series-Parallel Graphs. Acta Inf. 36(2): 143-172 (1999)
3 William C. K. Yen, C. Y. Tang: An Optimal Algorithm for Solving the Searchlight Guarding Problem on Weighted Interval Graphs. Inf. Sci. 100(1-4): 1-25 (1997)
2 William C. K. Yen, C. Y. Tang: An Optimal Algorithm for Solving the Searchlight Guarding Problem on Weighted Trees. Inf. Sci. 87(1-3): 79-105 (1995)
1 L. C. Wu, C. Y. Tang: Solving the Satisfiability Problem by Using Randomized Approach. Inf. Process. Lett. 41(4): 187-190 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Reginald B. J. T. Allenby [6]
2Goansu Kim [6]
3Eric W. M. Lee [7]
4Y. Y. Lee [7]
5C. P. Lim [7]
6L. C. Wu [1]
7William C. K. Yen [2] [3] [4] [5]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)