
Eiichi Tanaka

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12EEEiichi Tanaka, Kazunori Takemasa, Sumio Masuda: A distance measure for molecular structures and its computing method. Pattern Recognition Letters 19(3-4): 373-381 (1998)
11EEYasuhiro Takagi, Eiichi Tanaka: A fast garbled-spelling correction method based on constituent character hashing. Systems and Computers in Japan 28(7): 21-30 (1997)
10 Eiichi Tanaka: A Note on A Tree-To-Tree Editing Problem. IJPRAI 9(1): 167-172 (1995)
9EEEiichi Tanaka: Theoretical aspects of syntactic pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition 28(7): 1053-1061 (1995)
8EEEiichi Tanaka: A Metric Between Unrooted and Unordered Trees and its Bottom-Up Computing Method. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 16(12): 1233-1238 (1994)
7 Eiichi Tanaka, Hiroaki Awano, Sumio Masuda: A Proximity Measure of Line Drawings for Comparison of Chemical Compounds. CAIP 1993: 291-298
6 Nobuyuki Washio, Eiichi Tanaka, Sumio Masuda: A Similarity Measure between 3-D Objects and its Parallel Computation. CAIP 1993: 322-326
5EEEiichi Tanaka, Mitsuru Ikeda, Kimio Ezure: Direct parsing. Pattern Recognition 19(4): 315-323 (1986)
4EEEiichi Tanaka, Takanori Toyama, Sachiko Kawai: High speed error correction of phoneme sequences. Pattern Recognition 19(5): 407-412 (1986)
3 Eiichi Tanaka, King-sun Fu: Correction to ``Error-Correcting Parsers for Formal Languages''. IEEE Trans. Computers 31(4): 327-328 (1982)
2 Eiichi Tanaka, King-sun Fu: Error-Correcting Parsers for Formal Languages. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(7): 605-616 (1978)
1 Teruo Okuda, Eiichi Tanaka, Tamotsu Kasai: A Method for the Correction of Garbled Words Based on the Levenshtein Metric. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(2): 172-178 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Hiroaki Awano [7]
2Kimio Ezure [5]
3King-sun Fu [2] [3]
4Mitsuru Ikeda [5]
5Tamotsu Kasai [1]
6Sachiko Kawai [4]
7Sumio Masuda [6] [7] [12]
8Teruo Okuda [1]
9Yasuhiro Takagi [11]
10Kazunori Takemasa [12]
11Takanori Toyama [4]
12Nobuyuki Washio [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)