
Zixiang (Alex) Tan

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8EEZixiang (Alex) Tan, Wu Ouyang: Diffusion and Impacts of the Internet and E-commerce in China. Electronic Markets 14(1): 25-35 (2004)
7EEBahador Ghahramani, Zixiang (Alex) Tan: Telecommunications Theories, Management, Development, Practices, And Applications In Information Technology: Issues And Analysis. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 2(4): 523-529 (2003)
6EEZixiang (Alex) Tan: Testing Theory of Bandwagons - Global Standardization Competition in Mobile Communications. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 1(4): 605-620 (2002)
5EEZixiang (Alex) Tan: Product Cycle, Wintelism, and Cross-national Production Networks (CPN) for Developing Countries-- China's Telecom Manufacturing Industry as A Case CoRR cs.CY/0109045: (2001)
4EEZixiang (Alex) Tan: Comparison of Wireless Standards-Setting --United States Versus Europe CoRR cs.CY/0109100: (2001)
3 Hsiang Chen, Zixiang (Alex) Tan: Toward a Standardized Internet Measurement. WebNet 1999: 195-200
2EEZixiang (Alex) Tan, William Foster, Seymour E. Goodman: China's State-coordinated Internet Infrastructure. Commun. ACM 42(6): 44-52 (1999)
1 Zixiang (Alex) Tan, Milton Mueller, William Foster: China's New Internet Regulations: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back. Commun. ACM 40(12): 11-16 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Hsiang Chen [3]
2William Foster [1] [2]
3Bahador Ghahramani [7]
4Seymour E. Goodman [2]
5Milton Mueller [1]
6Wu Ouyang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)