
Gerrit Tamm

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12EEMartin Schlegel, Gerrit Tamm: Online Service Quality of Web-Based E-Mail-Services - An Empirical Study for the German Market. HICSS 2009: 1-10
11EEOliver Günther, Gerrit Tamm, Frank Leymann: Pricing Web Services. The Role of Business Processes in Service Oriented Architectures 2006
10EEAxel Hochstein, Gerrit Tamm, Walter Brenner: Service-Oriented IT Management: Benefit, Cost and Success Factors. ECIS 2005
9EEPeter Ibach, Gerrit Tamm, Matthias Horbank: Dynamic Value Webs in Mobile Environments Using Adaptive Location-Based Services. HICSS 2005
8 Gerrit Tamm, Rüdiger Zarnekow: Umsetzung eines ITIL-konformen IT-Service-Support auf der Grundlage von Web-Services. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005: 647-666
7EEGerrit Tamm, Maria Wünsche: Strategies to reduce information asymmetry in web service market. ECIS 2003
6EEUlrika Lundh Snis, Owen Eriksson, Kerstin Grundén, Ela Klecun-Dabrowska, Jan Pries-Heje, Gerrit Tamm, Rainer Telesko, Edward Truch, Fahri Yetim: Panel: Different approaches to evaluation of information systems. ECIS 2002
5EEOliver Günther, Gerrit Tamm: Web-based Services : An Empirical Study Of Their Adoption And Penetration. ECIS 2002
4 Oliver Günther, Gerrit Tamm, Lars Hansen, Thomas Meseg: Application Service Providers: Angebot, Nachfrage und langfristige Perspektiven. Wirtschaftsinformatik 43(6): 555-568 (2001)
3EEGerrit Tamm, Oliver Günther: A Framework for ASP-Marketplaces. CoopIS 2000: 114-119
2EEGerrit Tamm, Oliver Günther: Business Models for ASP Marketplaces. ECIS 2000
1 Gerrit Tamm, Oliver Günther: On-Demand Application Integration: Business Concepts and Strategies for the ASP Market. Föderierte Datenbanken 1999: 158-171

Coauthor Index

1Walter Brenner [10]
2Owen Eriksson [6]
3Kerstin Grundén [6]
4Oliver Günther [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [11]
5Lars Hansen [4]
6Axel Hochstein [10]
7Matthias Horbank [9]
8Peter Ibach [9]
9Ela Klecun-Dabrowska [6]
10Frank Leymann [11]
11Thomas Meseg [4]
12Jan Pries-Heje [6]
13Martin Schlegel [12]
14Ulrika Lundh Snis (Ulrika Snis) [6]
15Rainer Telesko [6]
16Edward Truch [6]
17Maria Wünsche [7]
18Fahri Yetim [6]
19Rüdiger Zarnekow [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)