
Srinivas Talluri

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6EESrinivas Talluri, Ram Narasimhan: A methodology for strategic sourcing. European Journal of Operational Research 154(1): 236-250 (2004)
5EEJoseph Sarkis, Srinivas Talluri: Evaluating and selecting e-commerce software and communication systems for a supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research 159(2): 318-329 (2004)
4EER. P. Sundarraj, Srinivas Talluri: A multi-period optimization model for the procurement of component-based enterprise information technologies. European Journal of Operational Research 146(2): 339-351 (2003)
3EESrinivas Talluri, Ram Narasimhan: Vendor evaluation with performance variability: A max-min approach. European Journal of Operational Research 146(3): 543-552 (2003)
2EESrinivas Talluri, R. C. Baker: A multi-phase mathematical programming approach for effective supply chain design. European Journal of Operational Research 141(3): 544-558 (2002)
1EESrinivas Talluri: A buyer-seller game model for selection and negotiation of purchasing bids. European Journal of Operational Research 143(1): 171-180 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1R. C. Baker [2]
2Ram Narasimhan [3] [6]
3Joseph Sarkis [5]
4R. P. Sundarraj [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)