
David Talbot

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5EEDavid Talbot, Miles Osborne: Randomised Language Modelling for Statistical Machine Translation. ACL 2007
4EEDavid Talbot, John M. Talbot: Bloom maps CoRR abs/0710.3246: (2007)
3EEDavid Talbot, Miles Osborne: Modelling Lexical Redundancy for Machine Translation. ACL 2006
2EEChris Callison-Burch, David Talbot, Miles Osborne: Statistical Machine Translation with Word- and Sentence-Aligned Parallel Corpora. ACL 2004: 175-182
1 David Talbot: Towards Systems Engineering: A Personal View of Progress. ICSE 1990: 306-307

Coauthor Index

1Chris Callison-Burch [2]
2Miles Osborne [2] [3] [5]
3John M. Talbot [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)