
Nisha Talagala

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4EEHairong Sun, Tina Tyan, Steven Johnson, Richard Elling, Nisha Talagala, Robert B. Wood: Performability Analysis of Storage Systems in Practice: Methodology and Tools. ISAS 2006: 62-75
3EENisha Talagala, Satoshi Asami, David A. Patterson, Bob Futernick, Dakin Hart: The Art of Massive Storage: A Web Image Archive. IEEE Computer 33(11): 22-28 (2000)
2 Nisha Talagala, Satoshi Asami, David A. Patterson: Usage Patterns of a Web-Based Image Collection. IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems 1999: 203-214
1 Satoshi Asami, Nisha Talagala, David A. Patterson: Designing a Self-Maintaining Storage System. IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems 1999: 222-233

Coauthor Index

1Satoshi Asami [1] [2] [3]
2Richard Elling [4]
3Bob Futernick [3]
4Dakin Hart [3]
5Steven Johnson [4]
6David A. Patterson [1] [2] [3]
7Hairong Sun [4]
8Tina Tyan [4]
9Robert B. Wood [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)