
Masaru Takesue

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19EEMasaru Takesue: A Protection Scheme against the Attacks Deployed by Hiding the Violation of the Same Origin Policy. SECURWARE 2008: 133-138
18EEMasaru Takesue: The SKB: A Semi-Completely-Connected Bus for On-Chip Systems. NPC 2007: 404-414
17EEMasaru Takesue: A Scheme for Protecting the Information Leakage Via Portable Devices. SECURWARE 2007: 54-59
16 Masaru Takesue: A Bus-Based Recursive Mesh for High-Performance On-Chip Systems. ISCA PDCS 2006: 13-18
15EEMasaru Takesue: The psi-cube: a bus-based cube-type clustering network for high-performance on-chip systems. Parallel Computing 32(11-12): 852-869 (2006)
14EEMasaru Takesue: The Psi-Cube: A Bus-Based Cube-Type Network for High-Performance On-Chip Systems. ICPP Workshops 2005: 539-546
13EEMasaru Takesue: DC-mesh: A Contracted High-Dimensional Mesh for Dynamic Clustering. NPC 2004: 382-389
12EEMasaru Takesue: A Model of Pipelined Mutual Exclusion on Cache-Coherent Multiprocessors. Euro-Par 2003: 917-922
11EEMasaru Takesue: Software Queue-Based Algorithms for Pipelined Synchronization on Multiprocessors. ICPP Workshops 2003: 115-122
10 Masaru Takesue: Pipelined Conditional Synchronization on Large-Scale Cache-Coherent Multiprocessors. ISCA PDCS 2003: 132-138
9 Masaru Takesue: Pipelined Mutual Exclusion on Large-scale Cachecoherent Multiprocessors. IASTED PDCS 2002: 736-745
8EEMasaru Takesue: Psi-Cubes: Recursive Bused Fat-Hypercubes for Multilevel Snoopy Caches. ISPAN 1999: 62-67
7EEMasaru Takesue: Schemes for Reducing Communication Latency in Regular Computations on DSM Multiprocessors. ICPP 1998: 164-171
6EEMasaru Takesue: A tampering protocol for reducing the coherence transactions in regular computation. ISPAN 1997: 465-471
5EEMasaru Takesue: A Family of Parallel Prefix Algorithms Embedded in Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 4(10): 1179-1184 (1993)
4 Masaru Takesue: Cache Memories for Data Flow Machines. IEEE Trans. Computers 41(6): 677-687 (1992)
3 Masaru Takesue: Dataflow Computer Extension Towards Real-Time Processing. Real-Time Systems 1(4): 333-350 (1989)
2 Masaru Takesue: A Unified Resource Management and Execution Control Mechanism for Data Flow Machines. ISCA 1987: 90-97
1 Makoto Amamiya, Masaru Takesue, Ryuzo Hasegawa, Hirohide Mikami: Implementation and Evaluation of a List-Processing-Oriented Data Flow Machine. ISCA 1986: 10-19

Coauthor Index

1Makoto Amamiya [1]
2Ryuzo Hasegawa [1]
3Hirohide Mikami [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)