
Masahiro Takatsuka

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21EEYingxin Wu, Masahiro Takatsuka: Visualizing Multivariate Networks: A Hybrid Approach. PacificVis 2008: 223-230
20EEXianhang Zhang, Masahiro Takatsuka: Put That There NOW: Group Dynamics of Tabletop Interaction under Time Pressure. Tabletop 2007: 37-43
19EEMichael Bui, Nick Lowe, Masahiro Takatsuka: Visualization of a closed three-dimensional surface using portal-based rendering. APVIS 2006: 35-38
18EEYingxin Wu, Masahiro Takatsuka: Visualizing multivariate network on the surface of a sphere. APVIS 2006: 77-83
17EEKelvin Cheng, Masahiro Takatsuka: Estimating virtual touchscreen for fingertip interaction with large displays. OZCHI 2006: 397-400
16EEYingxin Wu, Masahiro Takatsuka: Spherical self-organizing map using efficient indexed geodesic data structure. Neural Networks 19(6-7): 900-910 (2006)
15EEKelvin Cheng, Masahiro Takatsuka: Real-time Monocular Tracking of View Frustum for Large Screen Human-Computer Interaction. ACSC 2005: 125-134
14EEYingxin Wu, Masahiro Takatsuka: The Geodesic Self-Organizing Map and Its Error Analysis. ACSC 2005: 343-352
13EEYingxin Wu, Masahiro Takatsuka: Three Dimensional Colour Pickers. APVIS 2005: 107-114
12EELe Song, Masahiro Takatsuka: Real-time 3D Finger Pointing for an Augmented Desk. AUIC 2005: 99-108
11EEMasahiro Takatsuka: A component-oriented software authoring system for exploratory visualization. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(7): 1213-1222 (2005)
10EEWanchun Li, Masahiro Takatsuka: Adding Filtering to Geometric Distortion to Visualize a Clustered Graph on Small Screens.. InVis.au 2004: 71-79
9EEColin Murray, Damian Merrick, Masahiro Takatsuka: Graph Interaction through Force-Based Skeletal Animation. InVis.au 2004: 81-90
8EEKevin Pulo, Masahiro Takatsuka: Inclusion Tree Layout Convention : An Empirical Investigation. InVis.au 2003: 27-35
7EEMasahiro Takatsuka: JBeanStudio: A Component-Oriented Visual Software Authoring System for a Problem Solving Environment - Supporting Exploratory Visualization -. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 985-994
6EEMasahiro Takatsuka, Geoff A. W. West, Svetha Venkatesh, Terry M. Caelli: Low-cost interactive active range finder. Mach. Vis. Appl. 14(3): 139-144 (2003)
5EEMasahiro Takatsuka, Terry Caelli, Geoff A. W. West, Svetha Venkatesh: An application of "agent-oriented" techniques to symbolic matching and object recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters 23(4): 419-429 (2002)
4EEMasahiro Takatsuka, Mark Gahegan: Exploratory Geospatial Analysis Using GeoVISTA Studio: From a Desktop to the Web. WISE (2) 2001: 92-101
3EEMasahiro Takatsuka, R. A. Jarvis: Encoding 3D structural information using multiple self-organizing feature maps. Image Vision Comput. 19(3): 99-118 (2001)
2EEMasahiro Takatsuka, Geoff A. W. West, Svetha Venkatesh, Terry Caelli: Low-Cost Interactive Active Monocular Range Finder. CVPR 1999: 1444-1449
1EEMasahiro Takatsuka, Terry Caelli, Geoff A. W. West, Svetha Venkatesh: Symbolic Representation and Distributed Matching Strategies for Schematics. ICDAR 1999: 693-696

Coauthor Index

1Michael Bui [19]
2Terry Caelli (Terry M. Caelli) [1] [2] [5] [6]
3Kelvin Cheng [15] [17]
4Mark Gahegan [4]
5R. A. Jarvis [3]
6Wanchun Li [10]
7Nick Lowe [19]
8Damian Merrick [9]
9Colin Murray [9]
10Kevin Pulo [8]
11Le Song [12]
12Svetha Venkatesh [1] [2] [5] [6]
13Geoff A. W. West [1] [2] [5] [6]
14Yingxin Wu [13] [14] [16] [18] [21]
15Xianhang Zhang [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)