
Yasuko Takahashi

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3EEYasuko Takahashi, Hisako Tanaka, Akira Suzuki, Akio Shio, Sakuichi Ohtsuka: License plate recognition using gray image template matching with noise reduction filters and character alignment. Systems and Computers in Japan 38(3): 49-61 (2007)
2EESatoshi Sakuma, Tadashi Nakanishi, Yasuko Takahashi, Yuichi Fujino, Sakuichi Ohtsuka, Akira Tomono, Norimasa Nakanishi, Tetsuro Tsubouchi, Tsuyoshi Tanino: Image registration, color correction, and change detection based on value of difference in sequential ocular fundus images. Systems and Computers in Japan 37(11): 100-112 (2006)
1EEYasuko Takahashi, Akio Shio, Kenichiro Ishii: Character Extraction from Gray Images Based on Mathematical Morphology. MVA 1992: 219-222

Coauthor Index

1Yuichi Fujino [2]
2Kenichiro Ishii [1]
3Norimasa Nakanishi [2]
4Tadashi Nakanishi [2]
5Sakuichi Ohtsuka [2] [3]
6Satoshi Sakuma [2]
7Akio Shio [1] [3]
8Akira Suzuki [3]
9Hisako Tanaka [3]
10Tsuyoshi Tanino [2]
11Akira Tomono [2]
12Tetsuro Tsubouchi [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)