
Yasuhiro Takahashi

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6EEYasuhiro Takahashi, Toshikazu Sekine, Michio Yokoyama: A 70 MHz Multiplierless FIR Hilbert Transformer in 0.35 µm Standard CMOS Library. IEICE Transactions 90-A(7): 1376-1383 (2007)
5EEYasuhiro Takahashi, Toshikazu Sekine, Michio Yokoyama: VLSI Implementation of a 4 x 4-bit Multiplier in a Two Phase Drive Adiabatic Dynamic CMOS Logic. IEICE Transactions 90-C(10): 2002-2006 (2007)
4EEYasuhiro Takahashi, Youhei Fukuta, Toshikazu Sekine, Michio Yokoyama: 2PADCL: Two Phase drive Adiabatic Dynamic CMOS Logic. APCCAS 2006: 1484-1487
3EEYasuhiro Takahashi, Michio Yokoyama: New cost-effective VLSI implementation of multiplierless FIR filter using common subexpression elimination. ISCAS (2) 2005: 1445-1448
2EEYasuhiro Takahashi, Yasuhito Kawano, Masahiro Kitagawa: On the computational power of constant-depth quantum circuits with gates for addition. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (1) 2003: 154-161
1 Tohru Hoshi, Kenjiro Mori, Yasuhiro Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Nakayama, Takeshi Ishizaki: B-ISDN Multimedia Communication and Collaboration Platform Using Advanced Video Workstations to Support Cooperative Work. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 10(9): 1403-1412 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Youhei Fukuta [4]
2Tohru Hoshi [1]
3Takeshi Ishizaki [1]
4Yasuhito Kawano [2]
5Masahiro Kitagawa [2]
6Kenjiro Mori [1]
7Yoshiyuki Nakayama [1]
8Toshikazu Sekine [4] [5] [6]
9Michio Yokoyama [3] [4] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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