
Tetsuya Takahashi

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5EEMitsuru Kawazoe, Tetsuya Takahashi: Pairing-Friendly Hyperelliptic Curves with Ordinary Jacobians of Type y2=x5ax. Pairing 2008: 164-177
4EEAya Comuta, Mitsuru Kawazoe, Tetsuya Takahashi: Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves with Small Security Loss by Cheon's Algorithm. ICISC 2007: 297-308
3EEMitsuhiro Haneda, Mitsuru Kawazoe, Tetsuya Takahashi: Suitable Curves for Genus-4 HCC over Prime Fields: Point Counting Formulae for Hyperelliptic Curves of Type y2=x2k+1+ax. ICALP 2005: 539-550
2EEEisaku Furukawa, Mitsuru Kawazoe, Tetsuya Takahashi: Counting Points for Hyperelliptic Curves of Type y2= x5 + ax over Finite Prime Fields. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2003: 26-41
1EETetsuya Takahashi: Analyses on the temporal patterns of spikes of auditory neurons by a neural network and tree-based models. ESANN 1998: 33-38

Coauthor Index

1Aya Comuta [4]
2Eisaku Furukawa [2]
3Mitsuhiro Haneda [3]
4Mitsuru Kawazoe [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)