
Yuji Takada

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21EETakeshi Koshiba, Erkki Mäkinen, Yuji Takada: Inferring pure context-free languages from positive data. Acta Cybern. 14(3): 469-477 (2000)
20EETadashige Iwao, Makoto Okada, Yuji Takada, Makoto Amamiya: Flexible Multi-agent Collaboration Using Pattern Directed Message Collaboration of Field Reactor Model. PRIMA 1999: 1-15
19EETakao Mohri, Yuji Takada: Virtual Integration of Distributed Database by Multiple Agents. Discovery Science 1998: 413-414
18 Yuji Takada, Takao Mohri, Hiroki Iciki, Masatoshi Shiouchi, Yuji Wada, Francis G. McCabe: A Multi-Agent Model for Schedule Navigation with Location Information. Agents 1997: 532-533
17EEKozo Sugiyama, Kazuo Misue, Isamu Watanabe, Kiyoshi Nitta, Yuji Takada: Emergent media environment for idea creation support. Knowl.-Based Syst. 10(1): 51-58 (1997)
16EETakeshi Koshiba, Erkki Mäkinen, Yuji Takada: Learning Deterministic even Linear Languages From Positive Examples. Theor. Comput. Sci. 185(1): 63-79 (1997)
15 Yuji Takada, Taishin Y. Nishida: A note on grammatical inference of slender context-free languages. ICGI 1996: 117-125
14 Takeshi Koshiba, Erkki Mäkinen, Yuji Takada: Learning Strongly Deterministic Even Linear Languages from Positive Examples. ALT 1995: 41-54
13 Yuji Takada: Learning Formal Languages Based on Control Sets. GOSLER Final Report 1995: 316-339
12 Yuji Takada: A Hierarchy of Language Families Learnable by Regular Language Learning. Inf. Comput. 123(1): 138-145 (1995)
11 Yuji Takada: A Hierarchy of Language Families Learnable by Regular Language Learners. ICGI 1994: 16-24
10 Yuji Takada: Learning Equal Matrix Grammars Based on Control Sets. IJPRAI 8(2): 609-626 (1994)
9 Koichi Furukawa, Takeshi Shinohara, Yuji Takada: Special Issue on Algorithmic Learning Theory. New Generation Comput. 12(4): 319-320 (1994)
8 Yuji Takada: On Identifying DNA Splicing Systems from Examples. AII 1992: 305-319
7 Yuji Takada: Learning Even Equal Matrix Languages Based on Control Sets. ICPIA 1992: 274-289
6 Yuji Takada: Learning Semilinear Sets from Examples and via Queries. Theor. Comput. Sci. 104(2): 207-233 (1992)
5 Yuji Takada: Interactive Synthesis of Process Flowcharts. Nonmonotonic and Inductive Logic 1991: 298-322
4 Yuji Takada: Learning Equal Matrix Grammers and Multitape Automata with Structural Information. ALT 1990: 302-313
3 Yuji Takada, Kunihiko Hiraishi, Yasubumi Sakakibara: Exact Learning of Semilinear Sets. ALT 1990: 314-324
2 Yuji Takada: Grammatical Inference for Even Linear Languages Based on Control Sets. ECAI 1988: 375-377
1 Yuji Takada: Grammatical Interface for Even Linear Languages Based on Control Sets. Inf. Process. Lett. 28(4): 193-199 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Makoto Amamiya [20]
2Koichi Furukawa [9]
3Kunihiko Hiraishi [3]
4Hiroki Iciki [18]
5Tadashige Iwao [20]
6Takeshi Koshiba [14] [16] [21]
7Erkki Mäkinen [14] [16] [21]
8Francis G. McCabe [18]
9Kazuo Misue [17]
10Takao Mohri [18] [19]
11Taishin Y. Nishida [15]
12Kiyoshi Nitta [17]
13Makoto Okada [20]
14Yasubumi Sakakibara [3]
15Takeshi Shinohara [9]
16Masatoshi Shiouchi [18]
17Kozo Sugiyama [17]
18Yuji Wada [18]
19Isamu Watanabe [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)