
Naoki Takada

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3EENaoki Takada, Masaki Misawa, Akio Tomiyama: A phase-field method for interface-tracking simulation of two-phase flows. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 72(2-6): 220-226 (2006)
2EEKazuhiro Yamamoto, Shingo Satake, Hiroshi Yamashita, Naoki Takada, Masaki Misawa: Lattice Boltzmann simulation on porous structure and soot accumulation. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 72(2-6): 257-263 (2006)
1EEMakoto Taiji, Tetsu Narumi, Yousuke Ohno, Noriyuki Futatsugi, Atsushi Suenaga, Naoki Takada, Akihiko Konagaya: Protein Explorer: A Petaflops Special-Purpose Computer System for Molecular Dynamics Simulations. SC 2003: 15

Coauthor Index

1Noriyuki Futatsugi [1]
2Akihiko Konagaya [1]
3Masaki Misawa [2] [3]
4Tetsu Narumi [1]
5Yousuke Ohno [1]
6Shingo Satake [2]
7Atsushi Suenaga [1]
8Makoto Taiji [1]
9Akio Tomiyama [3]
10Kazuhiro Yamamoto [2]
11Hiroshi Yamashita [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)