
Robert Tairas

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9EERobert Tairas, Jeffrey G. Gray: An information retrieval process to aid in the analysis of code clones. Empirical Software Engineering 14(1): 33-56 (2009)
8EERobert Tairas, Marjan Mernik, Jeff Gray: Using Ontologies in the Domain Analysis of Domain-Specific Languages. MoDELS Workshops 2008: 332-342
7EEYu Sun, Zekai Demirezen, Frédéric Jouault, Robert Tairas, Jeff Gray: A Model Engineering Approach to Tool Interoperability. SLE 2008: 178-187
6EERobert Tairas, Marjan Mernik, Jeff Gray: Using Ontologies in the Domain Analysis of Domain-Specific Languages. TWOMD 2008: 20-31
5EEJing Zhang, Jeff Gray, Yuehua Lin, Robert Tairas: Aspect mining from a modelling perspective. IJCAT 31(1/2): 74-82 (2008)
4EERobert Tairas, Jeff Gray, Ira D. Baxter: Visualizing clone detection results. ASE 2007: 549-550
3EERobert Tairas, Jeff Gray: Phoenix-based clone detection using suffix trees. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2006: 679-684
2EERobert Tairas, Jeff Gray, Ira D. Baxter: Visualization of clone detection results. ETX 2006: 50-54
1EERobert Tairas: Clone detection and refactoring. OOPSLA Companion 2006: 780-781

Coauthor Index

1Ira D. Baxter [2] [4]
2Zekai Demirezen [7]
3Jeffrey G. Gray (Jeff Gray) [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
4Frédéric Jouault [7]
5Yuehua Lin [5]
6Marjan Mernik [6] [8]
7Yu Sun [7]
8Jing Zhang [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)