
Kazumasa Taira

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5EEToshihide Tosaka, Kazumasa Taira, Yukio Yamanaka, Kaori Fukunaga, Atsuhiro Nishikata, Mitsuo Hattori: Reconstruction of Printed Image Using Electromagnetic Disturbance from Laser Printer. IEICE Transactions 90-B(3): 711-715 (2007)
4EEYuzo Yoshimoto, Kazumasa Taira, Kunio Sawaya, Risaburo Sato: Estimation of Multiple Coherent Source Locations by Using SPM Method Combined with Signal Subspace Fitting Technique. IEICE Transactions 88-B(8): 3164-3169 (2005)
3EEKyosuke Awai, Kazumasa Taira, Kunio Sawaya, Risaburo Sato: Experimental Study on Compensation of Array Element Pattern of Collinear Dipole Array Sensor. IEICE Transactions 88-B(8): 3314-3316 (2005)
2EETakashi Kato, Kazumasa Taira, Kunio Sawaya, Risaburo Sato: Estimation of Short Range Multiple Coherent Source Location by Using MUSIC Algorithm. IEICE Transactions 88-B(8): 3317-3320 (2005)
1 Hiroshi Harada, Gang Wu, Kazumasa Taira, Yoshihiro Hase, Hideichi Sasaoka: Parallel Transmission Scheme Using Cyclic Modified M-Sequence CDM for Broadband Mobile Communications. ICC (2) 1997: 929-933

Coauthor Index

1Kyosuke Awai [3]
2Kaori Fukunaga [5]
3Hiroshi Harada [1]
4Yoshihiro Hase [1]
5Mitsuo Hattori [5]
6Takashi Kato [2]
7Atsuhiro Nishikata [5]
8Hideichi Sasaoka [1]
9Risaburo Sato [2] [3] [4]
10Kunio Sawaya [2] [3] [4]
11Toshihide Tosaka [5]
12Gang Wu [1]
13Yukio Yamanaka [5]
14Yuzo Yoshimoto [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)