
Seyed Mahmoud Taheri

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4EESeyed Mahmoud Taheri: C-fuzzy numbers and a dual of extension principle. Inf. Sci. 178(3): 827-835 (2008)
3EESeyed Mahmoud Taheri, R. Azizi: On information energy of the image fuzzy sets. Inf. Sci. 177(18): 3871-3881 (2007)
2EESeyed Mahmoud Taheri, Javad Behboodian: Fuzzy Hypotheses Testing with Fuzzy Data: A Bayesian Approach. AFSS 2002: 527-534
1EESeyed Mahmoud Taheri, Javad Behboodian: A Bayesian approach to fuzzy hypotheses testing. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 123(1): 39-48 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1R. Azizi [3]
2Javad Behboodian [1] [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)