
Eitan Tadmor

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4EEAnne Gelb, Eitan Tadmor: Adaptive Edge Detectors for Piecewise Smooth Data Based on the minmod Limiter. J. Sci. Comput. 28(2-3): 279-306 (2006)
3EEJorge Balbas, Eitan Tadmor: Nonoscillatory Central Schemes for One- and Two-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamics Equations. II: High-Order SemiDiscrete Schemes. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 28(2): 533-560 (2006)
2EEEitan Tadmor, Hailiang Liu: Critical Thresholds in 2D Restricted Euler-Poisson Equations. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 63(6): 1889-1910 (2003)
1EEEitan Tadmor, Jared Tanner: Adaptive Mollifiers for High Resolution Recovery of Piecewise Smooth Data from its Spectral Information. Foundations of Computational Mathematics 2(2): 155-189 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Jorge Balbas [3]
2Anne Gelb [4]
3Hailiang Liu [2]
4Jared Tanner [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)