
Guido Tack

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11EEChristian Schulte, Guido Tack: Perfect Derived Propagators. CP 2008: 571-575
10EEChristian Schulte, Guido Tack: Perfect Derived Propagators CoRR abs/0806.1806: (2008)
9EENicholas Nethercote, Peter J. Stuckey, Ralph Becket, Sebastian Brand, Gregory J. Duck, Guido Tack: MiniZinc: Towards a Standard CP Modelling Language. CP 2007: 529-543
8EEAndreas Rossberg, Guido Tack, Leif Kornstaedt: Status report: hot pickles, and how to serve them. ML 2007: 25-36
7EEMartin Mann, Guido Tack, Sebastian Will: Decomposition During Search for Propagation-Based Constraint Solvers CoRR abs/0712.2389: (2007)
6EEGuido Tack, Christian Schulte, Gert Smolka: Generating Propagators for Finite Set Constraints. CP 2006: 575-589
5EEGuido Tack, Leif Kornstaedt, Gert Smolka: Generic Pickling and Minimization. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 148(2): 79-103 (2006)
4EEChristian Schulte, Guido Tack: Views and Iterators for Generic Constraint Implementations. CP 2005: 817-821
3EEChristian Schulte, Guido Tack: Views and Iterators for Generic Constraint Implementations. CSCLP 2005: 118-132
2EEGuido Tack, Didier Le Botlan: Compositional Abstractions for Search Factories. MOZ 2004: 211-223
1 Andreas Rossberg, Didier Le Botlan, Guido Tack, Thorsten Brunklaus, Gert Smolka: Alice through the looking glass. Trends in Functional Programming 2004: 79-95

Coauthor Index

1Ralph Becket [9]
2Didier Le Botlan [1] [2]
3Sebastian Brand [9]
4Thorsten Brunklaus [1]
5Gregory J. Duck [9]
6Leif Kornstaedt [5] [8]
7Martin Mann [7]
8Nicholas Nethercote [9]
9Andreas Rossberg [1] [8]
10Christian Schulte [3] [4] [6] [10] [11]
11Gert Smolka [1] [5] [6]
12Peter J. Stuckey [9]
13Sebastian Will [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)