
Wieslaw Szczesny

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4 Wieslaw Szczesny, Teresa Kowalczyk: On regularity of Multivariate Datasets. Intelligent Information Systems 2002: 237-246
3EEWieslaw Szczesny: Grade correspondence analysis applied to contingency tables and questionnaire data. Intell. Data Anal. 6(1): 17-51 (2002)
2 Wieslaw Szczesny, Olaf Matyja: Using Grade Correspondence Analysis to Merge Populations and Detect Latent Orders. Intelligent Information Systems 2001: 111-120
1 Olaf Matyja, Wieslaw Szczesny: Visualization in Prediction Based on Grade Correspondence Analysis. Intelligent Information Systems 2000: 289-301

Coauthor Index

1Teresa Kowalczyk [4]
2Olaf Matyja [1] [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)