
Mrutyunjaya Swain

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5 Kuha Mahalingam, Mrutyunjaya Swain: Displaying Geographical Data on a Google Map - A Case Study on Representing Historical Data on Traffic Fatalities. IKE 2008: 36-40
4 Mrutyunjaya Swain, Young Kim: The Role of an Intelliegent Agent for Data Source Selection in the Distributed Server Environment. International Conference on Internet Computing 2005: 181-186
3 Nikunja Swain, Raghu Korrapati, James Anderson, Mrutyunjaya Swain: Design and Development of Computer Networking Modules Using Virtual Instruments and Object Oriented Programming. MSV 2005: 165-171
2 Nikunja Swain, Raghu Korrapati, James Anderson, Mrutyunjaya Swain: Joint Time-Frequency Analysis using Virtual Instruments. MSV 2005: 186-190
1EENikunja Swain, Mrutyunjaya Swain: Design and development of computer networking modules using virtual instruments and object oriented programming. SIGITE Conference 2004: 270

Coauthor Index

1James Anderson [2] [3]
2Young Kim [4]
3Raghu Korrapati [2] [3]
4Kuha Mahalingam [5]
5Nikunja Swain [1] [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)