
John J. Sviokla

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6EEKalle Lyytinen, Varun Grover, Jane Linder, Haim Mendelson, James A. Senn, John J. Sviokla: Making information systems research more relevant: academic and industry perspectives (panel session). ICIS 1999: 574-577
5EEJohn J. Sviokla, Michael F. Quinn: Marketspace Strategy and the European Information Society. Electronic Markets 7(4): (1997)
4EEJohn J. Sviokla: A field-based investigation into the effect of expert system use on the information processing capacity of the firm. ICIS 1989: 79-90
3EEJohn J. Sviokla: A Field Investigation of the Effects of Expert System Use on the Information Processing Capacity of the Organization. DATA BASE 17(4): 47 (1986)
2EEJohn J. Sviokla: Business Implications of Knowledge-Based Systems. DATA BASE 17(4): 5-19 (1986)
1EEJohn J. Sviokla: Business Implications of Knowledge-Based Systems. DATA BASE 18(1): 5-16 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Varun Grover [6]
2Jane Linder [6]
3Kalle Lyytinen [6]
4Haim Mendelson [6]
5Michael F. Quinn [5]
6James A. Senn [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)