
Shoji Suzuki

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3EEShoji Suzuki, Yoshinori Adachi: Development of High-Precise and No-Contacting Capacitance Measuring System Using Dipmeter. KES 2004: 89-94
2EETakanori Yokoyama, Hidemitsu Naya, Fumio Narisawa, Satoru Kuragaki, Wataru Nagaura, Takaaki Imai, Shoji Suzuki: A development method of time-triggered object-oriented software for embedded control systems. Systems and Computers in Japan 34(2): 43-54 (2003)
1EEShoji Suzuki, Kang G. Shin: On memory protection in real-time OS for small embedded systems. RTCSA 1997: 51-

Coauthor Index

1Yoshinori Adachi [3]
2Takaaki Imai [2]
3Satoru Kuragaki [2]
4Wataru Nagaura [2]
5Fumio Narisawa [2]
6Hidemitsu Naya [2]
7Kang G. Shin [1]
8Takanori Yokoyama [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)