
Shigemichi Suzuki

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5EEHideaki Yamashita, Yo Ishizuka, Shigemichi Suzuki: Mean and variance of waiting time and their optimization for alternating traffic control systems. Math. Program. 108(2-3): 419-433 (2006)
4EEHideaki Yamashita, Shigemichi Suzuki: An approximation method for line production rate of a serial production line with a common buffer. Computers & OR 15(5): 395-402 (1988)
3EEIsao Hayashi, Kiyoshi Itoh, Shigemichi Suzuki: Man-machine interactive guidance for urban railway networks. Computers & Graphics 7(1): 59-72 (1983)
2EEKiyoshi Itoh, Katsumi Muramatsu, Mabito Matsui, Shigemichi Suzuki: Graphical editing and analysis system for network system (Geans). Computers & Graphics 6(2): 47-61 (1982)
1EENaofumi Matsumoto, Shigemichi Suzuki: Graphics for dynamic analysis/synthesis of vibration systems with arbitrary degrees-of-freedom (DAVIS). Computers & Graphics 6(4): 159-169 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Isao Hayashi [3]
2Yo Ishizuka [5]
3Kiyoshi Itoh [2] [3]
4Mabito Matsui [2]
5Naofumi Matsumoto [1]
6Katsumi Muramatsu [2]
7Hideaki Yamashita [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)