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5EEP. K. Suri, Sushil: Towards a strategy for implementing e-governance applications: a case study of integrated fertilisers management information system based on SAP-LAP framework. EG 5(4): 420-444 (2008)
4EER. D. Pathak, Zafar Husain, Sushil, Danny Samson: Learning and technology management in an international partnership: Honda of Japan and Hero of India. IJMTM 11(1): 53-76 (2007)
3EERamaraj Palanisamy, Sushil: Achieving Organizational Flexibility and Competitive Advantage through Information Systems Flexibility: a Path Analytic Study. JIKM 2(3): 261-277 (2003)
2EERamaraj Palanisamy, Sushil: Predicting Flexibility and Success in Information Systems Planning: a System Dynamics Approach. JIKM 1(2): 165-186 (2002)
1EEZafar Husain, Sushil: Active transfer of technology in the automobile industry: Indian experiences. IJSTM 1(2/3): 236-280 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Zafar Husain [1] [4]
2Ramaraj Palanisamy [2] [3]
3R. D. Pathak [4]
4Danny Samson [4]
5P. K. Suri [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)