
Si-Hun Sung

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3EESi-Hun Sung, Woo-Sung Chun: Knowledge-Based Numeric Open Caption Recognition for Live Sportscast. ICPR (2) 2002: 822-825
2EESung-Il Chien, Si-Hun Sung: Adaptive window method with sizing vectors for reliable correlation-based target tracking. Pattern Recognition 33(2): 237-249 (2000)
1EESi-Hun Sung, Sung-Il Chien, Mun-Gab Kim, Joon-Nyun Kim: Adaptive Window Algorithm with Four-Direction Sizing Factors for Robust Correlation-Based Tracking. ICTAI 1997: 208-215

Coauthor Index

1Sung-Il Chien [1] [2]
2Woo-Sung Chun [3]
3Joon-Nyun Kim [1]
4Mun-Gab Kim [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)