
Jongwoo Sung

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8EEJongwoo Sung, Sungjin Ahn, Taesoo Park, Seonghun Jang, Dongheui Yun, Jonggu Kang, Seongeun Yoo, Pohkit Chong, Daeyoung Kim: Wireless Sensor Networks for Cultural Property Protection. AINA Workshops 2008: 615-620
7EEWeixin Wang, Jongwoo Sung, Daeyoung Kim: Complex Event Processing in EPC Sensor Network Middleware for Both RFID and WSN. ISORC 2008: 165-169
6EEJongwoo Sung, Dongman Lee, Daeyoung Kim: User Preference Based Service Discovery. EUC 2007: 587-597
5EEYoungsoo Kim, Daeyoung Kim, Taehong Kim, Jongwoo Sung, Seongeun Yoo: Target Classification in Sparse Sampling Acoustic Sensor Networks Using IDDC Algorithm. EUC Workshops 2007: 568-578
4EEJongwoo Sung, Tomas Sanchez Lopez, Daeyoung Kim: The EPC Sensor Network for RFID and WSN Integration Infrastructure. PerCom Workshops 2007: 618-621
3EESuhyun Kim, Daeyoung Kim, Jongwoo Sung, Tomas Sanchez Lopez: Template based High Performance ALE-TSOAP Message Communication. SERA 2007: 534-544
2EEYoonmin Hwang, Garam Park, Eunji Ahn, Jaejeung Rho, Jongwoo Sung, Daeyoung Kim: The Situation Dependent Application Areas of EPC Sensor Network in u-Healthcare. ICHIT 2006: 437-446
1EEDaeyoung Kim, Tomás López, Seongeun Yoo, Jongwoo Sung, Jaeeon Kim, Youngsoo Kim, Yoonmee Doh: ANTS: An Evolvable Network of Tiny Sensors. EUC 2005: 142-151

Coauthor Index

1Eunji Ahn [2]
2Sungjin Ahn [8]
3Pohkit Chong [8]
4Yoonmee Doh [1]
5Yoonmin Hwang [2]
6Seonghun Jang [8]
7Jonggu Kang [8]
8Daeyoung Kim [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
9Jaeeon Kim [1]
10Suhyun Kim [3]
11Taehong Kim [5]
12Youngsoo Kim [1] [5]
13Dongman Lee [6]
14Tomás López [1]
15Tomas Sanchez Lopez [3] [4]
16Garam Park [2]
17Taesoo Park [8]
18Jaejeung Rho [2]
19Weixin Wang [7]
20Seongeun Yoo [1] [5] [8]
21Dongheui Yun [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)