
Zhaohao Sun

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22EEZhaohao Sun, Jun Han, Dong Dong: Five Perspectives on Case Based Reasoning. ICIC (2) 2008: 410-419
21EEZhaohao Sun, Xifeng Guo, Shuliang Zhao: A Fuzzy Model for Scalable Trust in E-Commerce. II3E 2008: 87-97
20EEShuliang Zhao, Haifeng Liu, Zhaohao Sun: Scalable Trust in Multi-agent E-commerce System. ISECS 2008: 990-993
19EEJun Han, Zhaohao Sun, Jinpeng Huai, Xian Li: An Efficient Node Partitioning Algorithm for the Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. ACIS-ICIS 2007: 575-580
18EEZhaohao Sun, Sukui Lu, Jun Han, Gavin R. Finnie: Experience-Based Trust in E-Commerce. I3E (1) 2007: 643-651
17EEZhaohao Sun, Sim Kim Lau: Customer Experience Management in E-Services. E-Service Intelligence 2007: 365-388
16EEZhaohao Sun, Gavin R. Finnie: A fuzzy logic approach to experience-based reasoning. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 22(8): 867-889 (2007)
15EEZhaohao Sun, Jun Han: Inverse alpha-Cuts and Interval [a, b) -Cuts. ICICIC (1) 2006: 441-444
14EEZhaohao Sun, Gavin R. Finnie: A Unified 2D Representation of Fuzzy Reasoning, CBR, and Experience Based Reasoning. KES (1) 2006: 1115-1123
13EEZhaohao Sun, Gavin R. Finnie: MEBRS: A Multiagent Architecture for an Experience Based Reasoning System. KES (1) 2005: 972-978
12EEZhaohao Sun, Gavin R. Finnie: Experience Management in Knowledge Management. KES (1) 2005: 979-986
11EEZhaohao Sun, Gavin R. Finnie: A unified logical model for CBR-based e-commerce systems. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 20(1): 29-46 (2005)
10EEZhaohao Sun, Gavin R. Finnie, Klaus Weber: Abductive case-based reasoning. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 20(9): 957-983 (2005)
9EEZhaohao Sun: A Waterfall Model for Knowledge Management and Experience Management. HIS 2004: 472-475
8EEZhaohao Sun, Gavin R. Finnie: Experience Based Reasoning for Recognising Fraud and Deception. HIS 2004: 80-85
7 JianQiang Li, Zhaohao Sun: Internet/Web Technology in Higher Education in China. ICALT 2004
6EEZhaohao Sun, Gavin R. Finnie, Klaus Weber: Case base building with similarity relations. Inf. Sci. 165(1-2): 21-43 (2004)
5EEGavin R. Finnie, Zhaohao Sun: A logical foundation for the case-based reasoning cycle. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 18(4): 367-382 (2003)
4EEGavin R. Finnie, Zhaohao Sun: R5 model for case-based reasoning. Knowl.-Based Syst. 16(1): 59-65 (2003)
3 Gavin R. Finnie, Zhaohao Sun: Similarity and metrics in case-based reasoning. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 17(3): 273-287 (2002)
2 Zhaohao Sun, Gavin R. Finnie, Klaus Weber: Integration of Abductive CBR and Deductive CBR. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 1432-1435
1 Klaus Weber, Zhaohao Sun: Fuzzy stochastic dynamic programming for marketing decision support. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 15(8): 763-783 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Dong Dong [22]
2Gavin R. Finnie [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [18]
3Xifeng Guo [21]
4Jun Han [15] [18] [19] [22]
5Jinpeng Huai [19]
6Sim Kim Lau [17]
7JianQiang Li [7]
8Xian Li [19]
9Haifeng Liu [20]
10Sukui Lu [18]
11Klaus Weber [1] [2] [6] [10]
12Shuliang Zhao [20] [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)